Agriculture for nutrition and as a business
Agriculture for nutrition and as a business
To promote eco-friendly agricultural productivity among women & youth for socio-economic transformation.

Changing the livelihoods of households through agriculture.

We believe that ending poverty and achieving peace in the home depends heavily on food security and locally sustainable agriculture solutions. We therefore empower women and youth with skills, seeds and tools to increase agriculture productivity and ensure food security in their homes as well as carrying out businesses to get income. We also believe that increased food security directly solves the nutrition needs of children which helps to reduce malnutrition, wasting and stunting among children. Before carrying out our interventions, we first assess families to get their agricultural needs and then work together with agronomists to train them  in scientific  skills and agricultural best practices  like; inter-cropping, kitchen/backyard  gardens,

Women provide up to 82% of the rural poor's food and produce; Our work supports women and youth farmers by offering agricultural inputs like seeds, farming equipment’s and fertilizers. We promote conservation agriculture & climate resilient farming where we train farmers in group dynamics, pre and post-harvest handling, pastes and disease control, drip irrigation, bulky marketing, value addition and processing, market research and in acquiring of techniques of reducing underlying vulnerability to natural disasters like prolonged drought spell, increased temperatures and unreliable rains. Women and Youth farmers meet twice a week at a home of one farmer/demonstration garden where an agronomist empower them with knowledge and skills in good agriculture best practices using a Farmer Field School approach and demonstration farm learning model. They are also taught skills of budgeting, marketing, branding among others.  

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