Transforming lives through Entrepreneurship
Transforming lives through Entrepreneurship
To promote entrepreneurship and skilling for job creation and self-reliance among youth and women

Changing the livelihoods of women and youth in Uganda

We build that economic independence and increase in household income is at the core of women and youth socio-economic transformation. We equip women and girls with business and entrepreneur skills, providing them with micro credit in order to invest and advance their businesses, connect them to economic opportunities, and strengthening them to participate in development for their individual, family and community transformation.

It is a common practice for women in Africa to depend entirely on men in providing for their families which increases their dependence and socio-economic vulnerability; we have therefore carried out business and entrepreneurship trainings for women which have enabled them to start income generating ventures and in the end been able to support their households. Through these endeavors, women have started small scale agriculture ventures which have enabled them to not only practice agriculture for nutrition and ensure food security, but also enabled them to add value on their agricultural products and sell them to get income. This program has especially benefited women who are either infected or affected by HIV& AIDS or those in women headed households in Mityana, Waksio, Kiboga and Masaka districts of Uganda. We believe that when a woman is given strength and dignity, she is able to impact her family and community positively.

Related to women’s empowerment, has been youth empowerment through entrepreneurship, with a current Ugandan population of 40 million and about 75% below the age of 30, it is estimated that 25,000 young people have been joining the labor force every week since 2020.The current unemployment rate among the youth below 30 years in Uganda is at 75%. Our work also focuses on empowering youth with entrepreneurship skills, resources and social capital. We aspire to build a network of youth and women entrepreneurs and innovators who come out to break the shackles of poverty and dependency. Under this program, we conduct trainings in business and entrepreneurship for women and youth especially those in schools where we empower them to become job creators and business leaders for tomorrow through training them in skills of the 21st century plus business/employability skills which changes the mindset and attitudes of fresh graduates from University.

The program also builds safe spaces for women and youth for connection, innovation and transformation. We organize activities around entrepreneurship growth where we draw together talented entrepreneurs, industry leaders and social innovators with youth and women to leverage from their high skills. We then ignite their innovative and critical thinking skills to come up with solutions to solve community problems. Through these interventions, youth have come up with businesses in art and craft, poultry, animal husbandry, food processing, bakeries and confectionaries among others. We believe that every unprivileged youth and woman has the potential to succeed when supported to get the right knowledge, resources and networking opportunities. We believe in building their capacity and make for them linkages that lead to transformation of their lives.

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